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June 2024 | Theme: ESG

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Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) is moving into a different era, which we call ESG 2.0. In this second phase, there will be a greater focus on the ‘E’ component, with a shift from a voluntary regime to a mandatory one, driven by government mandates rather than consumer pressure.

A host of new environmental laws are in the pipeline, relating to mandatory reporting, carbon pricing, and carbon import tariffs, as well as more state support and investment in clean energy technologies. Companies unprepared for ESG 2.0 face higher costs and lost sales. In the next issue, we explore what business leaders need to know about the next phase of ESG.

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​​​​​​​Writers | Isaac Hanson, Kit Million Ross, Alex Blair, Eve Thomas, Harry McNeil, Kris Cooper, Oumar Fofana, Robert Prendergast 

Analysts| Wafaa Hassan, Alexandra Murdoch, Amalia Maiden, Martina Raveni, Will Tyson, Shabnam Pervez 

Graphic Designers | Anett Arc, Noemi Balint, Will Ingham, Miriam Garofalo

Publisher | Susanne Hauner


Sales Manager | Tom McCormick
+44 207 8669440

Cover image credit: Shutterstock

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